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News > General > Construction of new Library and Sixth Form Centre on track for autumn opening

Construction of new Library and Sixth Form Centre on track for autumn opening

29 Apr 2024
Written by Clare Brazier

Work on Woldingham’s new Library and Sixth Form Centre gathers pace as we get closer to completion date this summer. With the windows now in and external brick work complete, the whole school community can see what the fantastic new building will look like. The school’s contractor, Sunninghill, is busy working on first fixes of mechanical and electrical installation.

The Sixth Form Centre will have a collaborative work zone, a silent study area and café as well as three flexible classrooms which will be home to economics, business studies and psychology from next year. The Futures team will also be based there, as well as Head of Sixth Form Mr Phil Abbott.

The whole school library will be based on the first floor of the new building with views across the Woldingham valley. Librarian Ms Owens is already planning the move of our library books and other resources to the new library, which will have space for hundreds more books as well as more desks and study spaces.

Regular progress updates are published on our website for those interested in keeping updated on this fantastic new facility where you’ll also see some films and images of what the new Library and Sixth Form Centre will be like.

We are arranging more visits for students to see the construction site in the coming weeks – all the students who have been so far have enjoyed a glimpse into the future.  When the new building opens in the autumn, there’ll be opportunities for families to see it for themselves.

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